The Forge Shopping Centre
News & Events ECO Green

ECO Green

At the Forge Shopping Centre we are committed to providing environmentally and socially responsible management practices to help ensure future sustainability for all.

What we’re doing to help:


The Centre employs a contractor to ensure that the landscape areas are well maintained, the centre’s car parks are well served with a variety of trees and shrubs including a mixture of deciduous and coniferous species providing colour all year round and habitat for local biodiversity.


Implementation of a waste management system which involves the onsite separation of:

  • Cardboard
  • Polythene
  • Metal
  • Magazines
  • Food
  • Mixed Recycle

The Centre is 100% waste efficient. Energy from residual waste is used to provide power to local housing.


We have achieved an overall reduction of the carbon footprint at the centre of 28.55%.  This saving was achieved by the implementation of an environmental champion from the security staff, installing timers, sensors and a review of working practices from the cleaning contractor.